Blog Archives

Senate Subcommittee Evaluates Expansion of the FTC’s Data and Privacy Authority

On November 27, 2018, the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security held a hearing titled “Oversight of the Federal Trade Commission,” which included testimony from Chairman Joseph Simons and Commissioners Rohit Chopra, Noah Phillips,

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Posted in FTC, Legislation, Privacy, Regulations

EU’s New Privacy Law—What You Need to Know

The European Union (EU) Parliament’s new data privacy law, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is set to become enforceable in all EU member states on May 25, 2018, just six months from now. The GDPR replaces the

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Posted in Data Security, Privacy, Regulations, Standards

Financial Services Committee Rounds Out Equifax Hearings

The House Financial Services Committee this morning rounded out a full week of congressional hearings for former Equifax CEO Richard Smith. Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) reiterated his earlier calls for national standards for data security and breach notifications. Ranking Member

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Posted in Cyber crimes, Cyberattack, Data Breach, Data Security, Legislation, Privacy

House Holds Hearings on Equifax Breach

The House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Digital and Consumer Protection held the first in what will be a series of Congressional hearings on the recently revealed data breach at major credit agency Equifax. Former CEO of Equifax

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Posted in Cyberattack, Data Breach, Data Security, Legislation, Privacy, Regulations

Will the New General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”) Be a Block in the Chain?

Yes, I know that I ooze wit, but seriously, on the 25 May 2018, the new GDPR will come into force, which replaces the current data protection regulations (irrespective of Brexit). The principle at the heart of the GDPR is

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Posted in Data Security, Privacy, Regulations

“Full Employment for CISOs in New York”: New York Proposes the Nation’s First Cybersecurity Regulation

If you’re a CISO living in New York get ready for the phone calls!!! On September 13, 2016, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo proposed the nation’s first cybersecurity regulation. Starting on September 28, 2016 there is a limited 45 day window

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Posted in Data Security, Legislation, Regulations
About Cyber Law Monitor
In the new digital world, individuals and businesses are almost entirely dependent on computer technology and electronic communications to function on a daily basis. Although the power of modern technology is a source of opportunity and inspiration—it also poses huge challenges, from protecting privacy and securing proprietary data to adhering to fast-changing statutory and regulatory requirements. The Cyber Law Monitor blog covers privacy, data security, technology, and cyber space. It tracks major legal and policy developments and provides analysis of current events.
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