Blog Archives

When “Shhh” turns to “Oh $%*#!” – No Pseudonyms for Ashley Madison Plaintiffs

Nothing good has come from the Ashley Madison hacking incident, except hopefully some well-deserved apologies to loved ones. Now the E.D. Mo. Court hearing the In Re Ashley Madison Customer Security Breach Litigation, MDL No. 2669, has shaken its finger

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Posted in Data Breach, Data Security, Litigation, Privacy

Chris Correa Isn’t Billy Beane and This Isn’t Moneyball

The lights going on and off within the head of former St. Louis Cardinals scouting director Chris Correa were once probably flickering more actively than the lights inside of The Staples Center just before the Los Angeles Lakers take to

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Posted in Cyber crimes, Cyberattack, Data Breach, Data Security, Privacy, Standards

Ashley Madison Reveals Even More: Hacking May Be An Inside Job

In recent years, hacking has infiltrated the retail industry. Hacking has infiltrated the healthcare industry. Hacking has infiltrated the sports industry. And now, hacking has now infiltrated the most personal (some would say immoral) activities we engage in on the Internet.  Last week,

Posted in Cyberattack, Data Breach, Data Security, Privacy
About Cyber Law Monitor
In the new digital world, individuals and businesses are almost entirely dependent on computer technology and electronic communications to function on a daily basis. Although the power of modern technology is a source of opportunity and inspiration—it also poses huge challenges, from protecting privacy and securing proprietary data to adhering to fast-changing statutory and regulatory requirements. The Cyber Law Monitor blog covers privacy, data security, technology, and cyber space. It tracks major legal and policy developments and provides analysis of current events.
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