Blog Archives

Privacy Primer: The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

COPPA is a U.S. law enacted by Congress in 1998 to address concerns regarding the online collection and disclosure of children’s personal information. Children (defined by COPPA as individuals under the age of 13) may not appreciate the significance of

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Posted in Legislation, Privacy, Regulations

Illinois Supreme Court Sheds Light on the Importance of Strict Compliance with State’s Biometric Information Privacy Act

On January 25, 2019, in Rosenbach v. Six Flags Entm’t Corp., the Illinois Supreme Court held that an individual is an “aggrieved” party under the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”) and may seek damages absent an allegation of harm

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Posted in Legislation, Litigation, Privacy, Regulations

Senators Introduce Data Care Act to Establish Duties for Online Service Providers

On December 12, 2018, Senator Schatz (D-HI), along with 15 other Senators, introduced the Data Care Act of 2018 “to establish duties for online service providers with respect to end user data that such providers collect and use.” The bill

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Posted in FTC, Legislation, Privacy, Standards

Senate Subcommittee Evaluates Expansion of the FTC’s Data and Privacy Authority

On November 27, 2018, the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security held a hearing titled “Oversight of the Federal Trade Commission,” which included testimony from Chairman Joseph Simons and Commissioners Rohit Chopra, Noah Phillips,

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Posted in FTC, Legislation, Privacy, Regulations

California Passes Internet of Things Law

California continues to pave the way for privacy and cybersecurity legislation as Governor Brown recently signed the first Internet of Things (“IoT”) security law in the United States (SB-327). While connected devices offer users convenience and efficiency, California lawmakers recognized

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Posted in Data Security, Internet of Things

EU’s New Privacy Law—What You Need to Know

The European Union (EU) Parliament’s new data privacy law, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is set to become enforceable in all EU member states on May 25, 2018, just six months from now. The GDPR replaces the

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Posted in Data Security, Privacy, Regulations, Standards

Financial Services Committee Rounds Out Equifax Hearings

The House Financial Services Committee this morning rounded out a full week of congressional hearings for former Equifax CEO Richard Smith. Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) reiterated his earlier calls for national standards for data security and breach notifications. Ranking Member

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Posted in Cyber crimes, Cyberattack, Data Breach, Data Security, Legislation, Privacy

Equifax Hearings – Round Three

Richard Smith, former Chairman and CEO of Equifax, faced his third congressional hearing in two days, appearing this afternoon before the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Privacy, Technology, and the Law Subcommittee to discuss the recently revealed Equifax data breach and efforts

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Posted in Cyber crimes, Cyberattack, Data Breach, Data Security, Legislation, Privacy

Equifax Hearings Continue on the Hill

Former Equifax chief Richard Smith returned to Capitol Hill for a second day of congressional hearings into his company’s data breach, this time appearing before the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee. Committee Chairman Mike Crapo (R-ID) characterized the

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Posted in Cyber crimes, Cyberattack, Data Breach, Data Security, Litigation, Privacy
About Cyber Law Monitor
In the new digital world, individuals and businesses are almost entirely dependent on computer technology and electronic communications to function on a daily basis. Although the power of modern technology is a source of opportunity and inspiration—it also poses huge challenges, from protecting privacy and securing proprietary data to adhering to fast-changing statutory and regulatory requirements. The Cyber Law Monitor blog covers privacy, data security, technology, and cyber space. It tracks major legal and policy developments and provides analysis of current events.
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